While studies show that the large majority of vapers are ex-smokers opting for less harmful nicotine delivery mechanisms than conventional cigarettes, a growing number of vapers aren’t interested in nicotine at all. Instead, they’re looking for portable and convenient methods of using cannabidiol (CBD) as a health supplement.
Why vape CBD?
CBD is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid that can be sourced from cannabis, hemp and even orange peels. It’s well-documented in scientific literature that CBD can have significant medicinal and therapeutic potential including anxiolytic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.
A highly portable, affordable and scientifically vetted mechanism for melting away stress and anxiety from a hectic, on-the-go lifestyle (or relieving pain and swelling from an athletic lifestyle) is more than welcome in today’s world — particularly among young adults.
If there’s one downside to being a curious first-timer browsing the burgeoning vape industry, it’s that such a large selection of products circulating the market can feel somewhat overwhelming. In this post, we go over everything you need to know before vaping CBD for the first time.
How Many Different Forms of CBD Can You Vape?
Although there are several forms of CBD suitable for vaping, they can all generally be broken down into two categories: CBD oils and CBD concentrates. Regardless of which of the two you’d like to try, remember to consider the laws in your area. If you live in a state where recreational cannabis is not yet legal, your best bet is to stick with hemp-derived CBD products, as those are legal nationwide.
CBD Oils are straightforward and affordable, coming in flavored or unflavored varieties usable with a wide range of devices. The most popular vaporizers to use with CBD oils are vape pens as well as pod and cartridge systems. CBD oil can also come infused into nicotine e-liquids, which is what larger tank systems known as “vape mods” use.
CBD Concentrates are slightly more complex in that they come in several formats including resin, shatter, wax and crumble. The upside to this complexity is that CBD concentrates have superior potency when compared to CBD oils and even buds themselves.
CBD concentrate is best vaped using either wax pens, dab rigs or nectar collectors. While wax pens and nectar collectors are quite portable and simple to use, dab rigs are tabletop assembly devices with several parts designed for home use.
Which Form of CBD is Best for You?
The “right” way to vape safely and enjoyably largely depends on interest level and technical proficiency, which means it varies between individual users. If you’re just interested in getting a solid dose of CBD on demand, your best bet is CBD oil cartridges in a pod or cartridge system with proprietary attachments. However, if you’re looking to vape higher potency CBD products, there are other possibilities worth looking into.
Wax concentrates have significantly more CBD potency than oils or isolates, so power users of CBD — such as competitive weightlifters, gymnasts or wrestlers — would benefit from using CBD wax concentrates such as budder or shatter with a wax pen. To get even more out of vaping CBD, such as novel flavors and additional health benefits, it could be worth your while to explore DIY-friendly vaping.
DIY vaping involves the use of tank systems and cartridge systems with non-proprietary attachments, allowing you to use your own custom CBD blends. A popular practice among DIYers, for instance, is to infuse terpenes to their CBD to further improve flavor, aroma and therapeutic potential.
Ultimately, the best way to vape CBD is to know what’s available and enjoy the products that are right for you.